Monday 23 June 2008

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Calling Men - Know When And How To Call The Man In Your Life.

The Way You Handle Calls, Emails, and Text Messages Will Seriously Affect How Much Your Man Wants You!


Have you ever hesitated before you dialed his number?

Have you ever made a phone call to a man and later regretted it?

We've all been there!

I'm Mimi Tanner, the author of Secrets of Flirting with Men and Man Mistake Eraser. I write a daily email advice column (see below) read by thousands of women all over the world. Most of the books I write are specifically written for women, because I have spent a lifetime studying and thinking about what makes a man attracted to a woman - and what makes a man stay with a woman.

What happens when you call - or don't call - the man in your life can truly make or break your relationship.

Calling Men is not an etiquette book or a business manual - this is a book to get to the truth of how to handle this oh-so-important part of your relationship with your man.

Fair Warning!

Some women are going to get just plain mad at me for daring to suggest that you should put some thought into how you handle phone calls with your man. They will loudly insist (and send me rude emails) that I should not have written this book because it shouldn't matter what happens on the phone. They want to be able to say and do anything that comes into their heads, and call their man ten times a day if they feel like it.

Tra-la-la, and yes, no one should ever get a flat tire, we should stay young forever, and the government should not tax us either - but that is not how life works in the real world!!

Many of these women will eventually, after a series of failed encounters and relationships with men, come unhappily to the realization that yes, it DOES matter, and these issues can make or break your relationship!

In Calling Men, I will show you the "whys" of everything I tell you to do, so you will understand why these methods and tips work. You'll understand the effect you have on a man when you don't call at the wrong time, and how your relationship is strengthened when he calls you. When you understand what happens in your man's mind, you'll instinctively pick up on these ways to act and react. These methods will become second nature to you very quickly - especially when you see how well they work!


Want to know more?

Just Click Here Now!

How To Be Irresistible To Women / Men!

"Who Else Wants to Discover the Powerful,
Step-By-Step Secrets of How to Meet,
Attract, and Create a Lasting and Fulfilling Relationship
With the Kind of Person You've Always Wanted?
-- Even if You're Shy or Don't Think You are Good Looking!"
Imagine how good you'll feel about yourself when you have the confidence and knowledge to attract the man or woman of your dreams and keep them forever craving more!

Don't miss out on our Insider Seduction Advice! Click here NOW!

Struggling for a great date idea?

If you are looking for a collection of expensive dates to really impress your sweetheart then this ISN'T IT. But if you want 100's of inexpensive dates that cost from $5-$20 then you have found a goldmine of information. Whether you want to make a big impression to secure a second date, put your relationship back on track or just have more fun, keep reading, as this may be the most important letter you ever read…

Dear Friend,

Did you know that while going out for dinner and a movie is one of the most popular dates, it is also one of the very worst dates you can go on? -- especially for couples in the early stages of dating!

Don't believe me?

Imagine this. You're sitting at a restaurant with a beautiful woman and everything seems to be going fine. But after ordering your meals, you realize you can't think of anything interesting to talk about. You try to think of something… anything!…

At that moment, your palms sweat, your heart thumps, and your mind begins to race at 100 miles an hour, as you notice her looking around the room disinterested.

You're losing her.

And after two hours filled with awkward silence and generic questions, you take her home…

…only to be struck with the cold sinking feeling that you blew your chances forever.

Still think dinner is a good idea?

Don't get me wrong, dinner can be great but it's just too hard to make a good impression over dinner.

And if you're always going on dinner dates with a long-term partner, it's likely that things are getting a little stale and you're dying to try something new.

Dinner dates are a bad idea! It's just too hard to make a good impression.

Either way, you want to keep having lots of fun with a special someone and you know that going on original dates is perhaps the very best tool to accomplish that.

But Finding Unique and Creative Date Ideas Is The Hard Part!

Let's face it, trying to come up with cool unique date ideas is tough!

Honestly, it could take you hours searching only to come up with average ideas like: "spend the day at the beach or cook dinner at home." These ideas are 'okay' but there are much better ideas.

And that's where I come in.

You see, after realizing that people are starving for new and refreshing ways to spend time together, I decided to sit down, recall and write down all the fun-filled dates I've had with my wife Athena over the years. The result is a quality collection of date ideas from friends, family and myself.

But Why Should You Listen To Me and My Dating Ideas?

My name is Michael Webb.

And for the last 12 years I've been teaching people how to have fulfilling and successful relationships that last a lifetime through the power of romance.

In fact, because of some of my dating and romance ideas, media around the world have taken to calling me "The World's Most Romantic Man," "America's Romance Expert," "Mr. Romance," "The Martha Stewart of Romance" and other interesting monikers.

I don't necessarily agree with the titles, but I do aim to be the world's most loving husband to my wife of 17 years, Athena.

Not to mention I have been featured in media countless times.

Including every major newspaper in the United States, dozens of magazines and over 500 radio and TV shows such as Oprah, The 700 Club and Men Are From Mars / Women Are From Venus, sharing my tips and secrets with millions of viewers worldwide.

In addition, I am also a bestselling author of 11 books on love, romance and relationships.

My first book, "The Romantic's Guide" is a national bestseller. It was released in February 2000 and is already in its sixth printing.

All in all, I am regarded in the media as one of the nation's top experts on love, dating and relationship matters. So YOU KNOW you're in good hands with my date ideas.

Want to know more? Click here!


How To Become An Alpha Male!

The Lazy Man's Way To Easy Sex And Romance With 20 Or More Women A Month.

Dear Friend,

Alone on a Saturday night, watching Friends re-runs and fantasizing about Jennifer Aniston. For years, that's what I called my love-life.

I was 22 years old. So broke I didn't have two pennies to rub together. So embarrassed about by my body that I wouldn't take my shirt off unless I was alone. And after four years at a major party college... I was still a virgin.

Sure, I dated a few women (other guy's sloppy seconds), but even they never returned my phone calls.

And anytime I'd make a few female friends, it always ended up the same: I'd follow them around like a dog, jumping at the chance to do them a favor or listen to their problems... hoping somehow it would lead to sex, but…

Behind My Back They Just Giggled
And Called Me Their Emotional Tampon.

About the only thing I had going for me was my brain. You see, I'd always been fascinated by psychology and 'silent mind control' techniques... you know the 'hypnotic' stuff big advertisers use to make you happily open your wallet (and earn billions doing, by the way).

My thinking was, if they can use this stuff to figure out what people want to buy, why can't the same techniques be used to reveal...

What Makes Women
Go After Certain Men?
I figured it was probably a waste of my time, but I kept on with my research anyway... for 4 years. And what I uncovered changed my love-life in a big, big way.

You see, I went from this depressed, timid guy who always seemed to be wearing 'invisible underwear' around women...

To suddenly finding myself in one 'can’t-miss' situation after another... where hot, young girls were approaching me... and then literally begging to take me home for X-rated sex!

I'm not kidding.

And It Was So Easy, I'm Genuinely Stumped
Why More Guys Haven't Come Across These Secrets
I mean, it wasn't like I changed anything about my basic personality. I still had no money, drove around in a rust-bucket and had less experience between the sheets than a 16 year-old.

All I did was apply the "underground" psychological principles I had discovered. It wasn't hard... and... anyone can do it. That's because I found out these techniques are based on powerful 'mind' principles you are born with - and are available to all of us.

What that means is, it doesn’t matter how old (or young) you are, if you're dead-broke or even if you have physical features that you think are turning women off...

Whatever Your Excuse Is,
These Principles Still Work
Just like advertising never fails in getting all sorts of different people to buy.

It's been nearly two decades since I first discovered these techniques, and it's been one hell of an emotionally... and... sexually satisfying ride.

These days I sleep every night next to the woman of my dreams (something I never thought would happen). And spend much of my time teaching other men...

The Secrets of 'Magnetically' Attracting Women To You...
Without Ever Chasing Them Down...
And Without Ever Having To Approach Them!
You see, once you have these secrets all the 'work' of meeting women will be done for you...automatically! You can just 'flip on' your magnetic powers of attraction... so to speak... and instantly bring sex, romance and more roaring into your life!

And this isn't some New Age theory crap. It's based on the same hush-hush psychological tactics advertisers have used for centuries to get filthy rich. They work for anyone, anywhere and at any time (no matter how desperate you think your situation is right now).

Not too long ago, I packaged up all these secrets in a guide I called How To Become An Alpha Male.

It’s the no-risk, never-fail blueprint on how to 'magnetically' attract an endless flow of horny, ready-for-sex women to you... without ever having to play their games or deal with rejection.

Want to know more.....or would you prefer to sit alone in front of the TV for the rest of your life watching more re-runs of "Friends"?

Click here change your life!!!!!


Are You Tired Of Being Lonely?

Get Your FREE eCourse Now Before It Disappears...

Learn all of the following...and become an Alpha Male!

.How To Eliminate Your Fear Of Approaching Women
.How To Go After "9"s and "10"s - And Get Them!
.The Secret Tricks To Virtually Eliminate ALL Rejection From Women
.How To Turn That Girl "Friend" Into A Girlfriend!
.Avoid The Deadly Mistakes That Make You Wind Up "Just A Friend."
.Proven Lines That Help You Get The Girl Every Time
.Simple Tricks To Keep The Conversation Going
.The Right Way To Ask A Girl Out On A Date!
.And Much More...

.Register here for instant crash course access: Click Me Now!


"How To Approach Any Woman, Anywhere And Know Exactly What To Say To Get Her To Give You Her Number And Go On A Date With You - NOW"

Give me a minute of your time right now, and let me PROVE to you that regardless of your looks, age and financial standing – YOU can make young beautiful women attracted to you, seduce them at your leisure and make them fall in love with you with frightening regularity.

After reading what I have to say, other guys will look and wonder HOW… WHY… They’ll worship you for being able to attract and seduce women at your will - so easily.

We aren’t talking about magic here or baloney either… We’re talking about PROVEN simple steps you can take that will make a woman fall for you… big time. Every time. And with scientific like success rates!

You see, attraction is MORE of a SCIENCE than an art form.

See, as humans, we all have two ways of thinking. Number 1 is using logic or our conscious minds. Number 2 is using emotion or our subconscious minds.

The great thing about seducing women is that they are HARD WIRED to follow their emotional thoughts and feelings that are the same across ALL women… They cannot help it. That’s why so many women fall for the same “ass hole” guys. Their logical brains are telling them that they’ll be cheated on. That they’ll be messed around. That they’d be better off with the nice guy. And they are usually right, but women are RUN by their emotional side of the brain. They can’t help but seek out the excitement, the alpha male, the bad boy.

Now I’m not for one moment trying to suggest you should become a “bad boy” ass hole, but I’m DEFINITELY saying that if you are frustrated in the dating game, chances are you’ve tried the nice guy way already and it simply doesn’t work at anything other than becoming their “friend” which is the LAST thing you want. PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT suggesting you should become a “bad boy”… Read on…

With my unique system I can make you trigger ALL of the emotional attraction switches in the female mind within 7 minutes – without acting like you are somebody else – and get the same success that those few same guys get, all for yourself.

It’s as simple as this…

If you do and say certain things in a certain way then women WILL become attracted to you. They can’t help it. Women have emotionally evolved brains that DENY logic and make decisions based solely on feelings – when it comes to who they are attracted to.

And you know what evolution has done for you also?

Made it so that YOUR looks are only 20% of what a woman is looking for. And if you happen to be above a certain “acceptable” levels of looks (and let me tell you, this level is low, lots of UGLY guys make the grade) then you can bypass this 20% TOTALLY and make the whole of a woman’s attraction be about WHO you are and HOW you act, instead of what you look like, or how much you get paid…

Let me state that more simply.

Use my techniques and it will NOT matter if you are good looking or not, whether you are rich or not, whether you are bald or fat.. ALL of that WON’T MATTER ONE LITTLE BIT. You can “turn off” that side of her brain and have almost any woman in your spell.

Sound good? Click here…


What You Absolutely Must Know About the One You Are With!

Dear Friend,

How compatible are you and the person you are with? How would you know? Just because you like the same types of foods and pets does not mean that you can have a blissful, long-term relationship.

Do you know why your mate does or doesn't attend church? Do you know how they really think about the way you dress?

Have you ever asked your partner what are the three most sensitive parts on their body?

"An estimated 83% of divorces would not take place
if couples asked each other the right questions"

Several months ago, a friend of mine discovered that her husband was once a heroin addict. When she asked him why he didn't tell her before, he replied, "You never asked!"

I have put together 1,000 of the most important questions couples should ask each other. These are questions that go beyond small talk and simply making conversation like you will find in most "questions" books. You will NOT find questions like "if you were a color, what color would you be" or "what is your most embarrassing moment".

"My girlfriend and I avoided discussing certain topics like our thoughts about sex, our religious differences and her spending habits. These 1000 questions have helped up to open up to one another in a way I didn't think was possible." – Vincent Rawley

"1000 Questions For Couples"

There are hundreds of fun "getting to know you" questions but there are also important questions that most people don't even think of asking but are absolutely necessary if you want to have a happy relationship.

I've known of people who never told their mate about being arrested for molesting children, that they had DUI convictions, that they were sterile or had a STD. Admittedly, those are difficult questions to ask someone. But, if you are going through a book of questions, it is much easier to bring difficult subjects out into the open.

All of these questions will help you to really know the thoughts, feelings and desires of the one you are with. After going through these questions, you will really know the things your sweetheart is passionate about. You will know how you can give them much joy and happiness. You will also discover what irritates them and makes them blue.

"My husband and I have been emailing 3-4 of the questions and our answers each day for the last month and it has had the most wonderful effect on our relationship. I felt that we had just been 'coasting' for a while but now we are more in love than we have been in our 17 years together. And the resulting passion has been amazing." – Barbara Koen

While these questions are an absolute must for couples to ask while dating, over 700 of the questions are crucial for married couples to discuss too.

Click Here!
